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Interviewing Barber Shop Staff

By: Scott McBride - Updated: 9 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Interview Interviewing Interview

It can be nerve-wracking to attend an interview and just as nerve-wracking to conduct one. The more preparation done for the interview, the easier the ordeal will be for both employer and candidate.

Come up with a series of interview questions for each candidate by using the information contained in the application forms or CVs. Watch out for any gaps in education or employment or things that do not seem to add up. If two or more people are conducting the interview, decide who will deal with what topics.

Know the job description and person specification inside out so that the interview questions make it easier to compare candidates. For each candidate, try to include some questions that will require more than a “yes” or “no” answer. For instance, ask about responsibilities in previous jobs, or where candidates expect to be in five years’ time.

Don’t Discriminate

Beware of possible discrimination in the questions asked. For example, do not ask candidates if they have childcare responsibilities. Such questions could mean missing out on the best candidate and may be unlawful. Think about what candidates may ask regarding the job or the barber shop and have answers prepared.

Decide where to carry out the interviews and ensure there will be no interruptions. Make drinks available and allow enough time for each interview so that there is no need to rush. Try to go into each interview with an open mind, and remember the aim is to get quality information from each candidate to make it as easy as possible to assess them fairly and fully against the needs of the barber shop.

When interviewing a candidate, the employer should introduce himself and other people present and try to put the candidate at ease. Explain the structure of the interview, the background of the barbers, describe the role and how the job fits into the existing set-up.

Keep Control of the Interview

Encourage the candidate to talk about any skills and experience relevant to the vacancy. Allow the candidate time to think and speak, but keep control of the interview. If it feels as though the candidate is going off-track, turn the conversation back to the information needed.

At the end of the interview, answer any questions the candidate has, thank the candidate for their time and give an estimation of how long it will take to get to the next stage in the recruitment process. That may be a second interview, a practical test or an appointment.

Write a detailed record of the interview as soon as possible after it ends, but only record what has been said in the interview and how the selection decision was made, not any thoughts about the candidate. This is important because any candidates who later make a complaint to an employment tribunal have the right to ask for copies of notes made during the interview.

An employer may need these notes to answer any possible discrimination case relating to the process. Only keep personal data after an interview if it is necessary and relevant to the recruitment process, or in respect of a discrimination challenge. Data that is kept should be securely stored.

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